
Chairman Scott Praises Biden Minimum Wage Executive Order

WASHINGTON – Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after President Biden signed an executive order requiring all federal contractors pay to a $15 minimum wage. 

“President Biden’s executive order is an important step toward building back a stronger economy and securing fair pay for hardworking people across the country. 

“Raising the minimum wage is good for workers, families, businesses, and the economy.  Because of President Biden’s executive order, working people across the nation will see and experience the widespread benefits of increasing the minimum wage. When workers earn decent wages, they strengthen their local economies by spending more money in local businesses. When employers pay higher wages, they benefit from more productive employees and lower turnover. And when tipped workers and workers with disabilities are paid the full federal minimum wage, they have greater financial security and can provide for themselves and their families. 

“I applaud President Biden’s action to increase wages for federal contractors, and I continue to call on our Senate colleagues to advance the Raise the Wage Act, which will deliver bigger paychecks for nearly 32 million workers.” 


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