
Chairman Scott: Biden Budget Outlines a Brighter Future for America

WASHINGTON – Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) released the following statement after President Biden released a proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023. 

“The Biden-Harris Fiscal Year 2023 budget proposal lays out a clear vision for how America can build back better and meaningfully improve the lives of our nation’s students, workers, and families.

“The proposed budget reflects a key commitment to reverse decades of underfunding in education and build on the success of the American Rescue Plan. This proposal requests substantial increases for Title I schools, which ensures funding is directed where it is needed most. To help improve affordability and access to college, the Administration has also requested a total increase of $1,775 for the maximum Pell Grant award, and a notable increase in funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribally Controlled Universities, and other Minority Serving Institutions.

“The Administration’s proposed investments will help keep workers safe on the job by bolstering funding for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and bolster workers’ opportunities to secure high wage jobs by significantly increasing funding for Registered Apprenticeships. Registered Apprenticeships are by far America’s most successful workforce training program—delivering consistent results for workers and employers.  Moreover, the significant increase in the proposed funding for the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the National Labor Relations Board will strengthen nondiscrimination enforcement and protect workers’ rights to form unions and collectively bargain. 

“And finally, the Biden-Harris budget proposes strong investments to expand access to affordable health care and ensure the well-being of our communities. The proposed budget calls for lowering prescription drug costs and bolstering funding for programs that help low-income families access nutrition, home energy support, and other programs that provide pathways out of poverty. Critically, the proposal also invests in our communities need to address our nation’s mental health crisis by strengthening coverage and expanding access to behavioral health care.

“I applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for providing a strong blueprint on how we can grow the middle class, strengthen our economy, and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.  I look forward to working with my colleagues to realize this vision of an America where everyone can succeed.”

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