
Chairman Scott Announces Future of Work Hearings

Three Legislative Hearings Will Focus on the Future of Work and Putting Workers First

WASHINGTON – Today, Chairman Robert C. “Bobby” Scott (VA-03) announced a series of three legislative hearings to explore challenges, opportunities, and policy solutions related to the “future of work.” 

 The three hearings will specifically focus on:

  1. Preserving worker protections and benefits in the face of changing business models and work arrangements;
  2. Empowering workers with the skills they need to avoid or address job displacement and remain competitive; and 
  3. Protecting workers’ civil rights amid the growing use of platforms and algorithms in employment-related recruitment and decision making. 

“The conversations about the ‘future of work’ we hear today often paint a bleak picture for American workers.  The compounding effects of technology, globalization, climate change, and other structural shifts have fomented the idea that workers could face an inevitable race to the bottom for wages, benefits, working conditions – or even worse, the elimination of many job opportunities. Yet, the reality is that the well-being of workers in our economy is not, and never has been, outside of our control.  It is largely determined by policy choices that we make—or don’t make,” said Chairman Bobby Scott (VA-03). 

“Our job in Congress is to do everything we can to ensure that the changing economy does not undermine the financial security and labor-market opportunities for American workers.  We must examine the issues, engage with critical stakeholders, and develop policies and protections that help workers navigate the future of work in the 21st century and beyond.  Taken together, these hearings represent the Committee’s efforts to chart a path that ensures every American worker strong protections, fair pay and benefits, and a rewarding career.”

The future of work hearing series was launched with an expert roundtable discussion on Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 10 a.m. Watch the livestream of the roundtable here.


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