
Chairman Miller: Time to Cross the Finish Line on Health Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, released the following statement today on President Obama’s remarks on moving forward on health insurance reform. Miller is the chairman of one of the three committees that developed the House health reform bill and participated in the President’s bipartisan summit last week.  “President Obama is absolutely right.  After a year of hearings, and countless hours of debates on ideas from both sides, it is time to finish the job of enacting health insurance reform. There is no question that real health reform is difficult and complicated.  But it is necessary.  

“Our solution will put families in control of their medical care, not insurance companies. Congress will put an end to egregious insurance company abuses that are hurting American families and businesses alike, such as denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions, dropping customers from coverage when they get sick, or arbitrarily hiking premiums.

“It’s time for Congress to cross the finish line. For too long, our nation’s vital business has been held hostage to the whim of a few Senators in a party that believes that Americans need fewer protections from insurance companies. It is time to get back to legislating on behalf of the American people.”

“Comprehensive reform is necessary and it is within our reach right now.”