
Chairman Miller Statement on U.C. Postdocs Approval of First Contract

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement after today’s announcement that the University of California’s postdoctoral scholars overwhelmingly approved a long-sought after first contract with the university. 

“This is a victory for economic justice and a victory for our nation’s economic future. These postdoctoral scholars represent America’s best and brightest. This agreement will bring them closer to getting the economic security they deserve for the important work they do. 
“Through hearings and examination of this issue by the Education and Labor Committee, it was clear that the University of California caused unnecessary delays that blocked a first contract for far too long. These delays were outrageous and needed to end. That’s why I am very pleased with today’s approval of a first contract. I look forward to the scholars continued academic success that contributes so much to our country’s economic prosperity and competitiveness through new ideas and innovation.”
In November 2008, after three years of organizing, the California Public Employment Relations Board certified the post-doctorial scholars union at the University of California. Despite this, the University of California system and the post-doctoral scholars, represented by the UAW, had been unable to reach a first contract until now. 
In April, the Education and Labor Committee held a field hearing in Berkeley, Calif. exploring the challenges in first contract labor negotiations by examining the difficulty of reaching a first contract agreement between the University of California and the post-doctoral scholars’ union.