
Chairman Miller Statement on the Passing of Eunice Kennedy Shriver

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, today released the following statement on the death of Eunice Kennedy Shriver. Shriver founded the Special Olympics and was a lifelong advocate for people with intellectual disabilities.

“My thoughts and prayers are with Senator Ted Kennedy, Rep. Patrick Kennedy, and the entire Kennedy family on this difficult day. Today, we mourn the loss of a leader who inspired and changed the lives of millions of Americans. When Eunice Kennedy Shriver founded the Special Olympics, she gave thousands of people with disabilities the opportunity to participate in sports when others thought it impossible. In recent years, Mrs. Shriver was instrumental in our efforts to ensure equal college opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities as part of a larger 2008 law that reformed our higher education programs for students and families. Mrs. Shriver dedicated her life to opening up new possibilities for every American living with a disability -- making enormous strides toward true equality for our country. We will honor her incredible spirit as we work to build on her legacy to ensure that Americans with disabilities have equal rights and opportunities to pursue their dreams.”