
Chairman Miller Statement on the Passing of Claiborne Pell

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman George Miller (D-CA), Chairman of the Committee on Education and Labor, today released the following statement on the death of former Senator Claiborne Pell. Senator Pell created the Pell Grant scholarship and established the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities. “Senator Pell was an exemplary public servant and a true champion for students and young Americans. His vision of a college education for every American transformed our financial aid system and paved the way for millions of students to achieve their dreams. His strength, wit, and unyielding determination led to the creation of what we now aptly call Pell Grant scholarships – grants that have helped make college more affordable and accessible for countless low- and moderate-income students and their families. Senator Pell will be fondly remembered and very sorely missed. In this next Congress, we will honor Senator Pell’s legacy by working to ensure that all students have the opportunity to obtain a college degree.”

For more information about Pell Grants and key legislation regarding higher education passed in the 110th Congress, click here.