
Chairman Miller Statement on the DREAM Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Below please find the remarks as prepared for delivery by U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, on H.R. 5281, the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act. The House passed the bill today.

Madam Speaker, I rise today in support of the DREAM Act.

This is common sense, bipartisan legislation that is a win for our economy. 

First, in this economy, we need the best, the brightest, the most capable and the most qualified to be a part of the American workforce.

This legislation will allow a limited group of very capable, high achieving young people to help contribute to the economic well-being of this country.

These are young people who didn’t come to this country through their own free choice.

But, they are young people who have worked hard to graduate high school or obtain a GED.

These are young people who have contributed to their communities and to this country.
If we turn our backs on these students, then we’re turning our backs on a qualified and competitive workforce.

Second, Madam Speaker, simply put, this legislation is the right thing to do.

Critics who argue that the DREAM Act would diminish opportunities for students in this country with full citizenship must not know anything about our colleges and universities. 

Our nation’s higher education institutions have the capacity to welcome these students, as many already do, without closing the door for other students.

This Congress has passed historic legislation to increase college access and opportunity for all students. 

The bill before us today continues to provide that access to a higher education not only by providing these students a path to citizenship, but allowing them access to critical student aid through loans and work-study.

The financial cost of a higher education is too often a barrier to attending higher education. 
It is critical that this bill ensures access to student aid, and gives students a chance at affording a higher education.

By passing this legislation, we can reward smart, civic-minded, goal-oriented students and provide access to the American dream.

Let’s not punish students and the future of this country.

I urge all of my colleagues to support this bill.
