
Chairman Miller Statement on T-Mobile USA/Deutsche Telekom Treatment of U.S. Workers

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, today issued a statement on an American Rights at Work report that documented cases of interference with U.S. workers’ organizing rights by T-Mobile USA, a subsidiary of the German telecommunications company Deutsche Telekom. The report found that even though T-Mobile’s parent company has a history of cooperation with workers in Germany, the company’s dealings with U.S. workers has been starkly different since entering the U.S. market in 2001.

“The report documents questionable labor practices plaguing T-Mobile and highlights the clear need to better protect workers’ fundamental rights in the United States. While the parent company, Deutsche Telekom, promotes positive labor relationships with its workers in Germany, and while many expected a similar approach to its workers in the United States, today’s report indicates that T-Mobile is not a chip off the old block. American workers deserve better.”

To read the report, click here. (pdf)