
Chairman Miller Statement on New Great City Schools Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement today after the Council of Great City Schools released their report “Investing Wisely and Quickly -- Use of ARRA Funds in America's Great City Schools,” highlighting the effects of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) on urban school districts across the country. The report shows the law helped save jobs, build capacity and advance reforms in education.  “It is clear from this report that when we invest in education jobs, we can make a difference in local communities and help restart local economies. This is what we need to keep our workforce competitive and regain our footing as a leader in the global marketplace.    

“Sadly, the jobs of hundreds of thousands of teachers and school staff are still at risk, which would be devastating for our students and our nation’s economic future. We have to demand the best for our students, our teachers and our schools. We won’t be able to maintain the success of the Recovery Act if our students can’t continue to build on the progress they’ve made. Congress needs to act swiftly to help keep teachers in the classroom and students learning.”

In March, Chairman Miller introduced the Local Jobs for America Act to invest $23 billion to help states support education jobs.

More information about the legislation to help save local jobs