
Chairman Miller Statement on 9th Month of Private Sector Job Growth and the Republican Recession

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement today after the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 64,000 private sector jobs were created in September, the ninth straight month of private sector job creation.  

“Today’s jobs report shows just how much our economy has improved since the Republican Recession began. When President Obama took over, we were losing nearly 800,000 jobs a month. Thanks largely to tough decisions Congress and President Obama made over the last two years, September marks the ninth straight month of private sector job growth, with a total of 863,000 private sector jobs created in 2010.

“While the economy is clearly moving in right direction, we must finish the job to get all Americans back to work. Democrats have fought to help families weather this financial storm that the Republicans created and change the way Washington works. Republicans have instead tried every political maneuver to stop job creation.  

“There is a clear choice in priorities for our country and our economy. We must continue to fight for America’s middle class and resist the temptation to return to the irresponsible Bush and Washington Republican economic policies that brought the country to the brink.”