
Chairman Miller: Sebelius Confirmation Strengthens Prospects for Comprehensive Health Care Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, today lauded the Senate’s confirmation of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius. Miller said today’s action further strengthens prospects for meeting President Obama’s goal of enacting comprehensive health care reforms this year.
“With our nation facing a swine flu outbreak, and the need for health care reform growing by the day, I am pleased that the Senate has finally confirmed Kathleen Sebelius as our next Secretary of Health and Human Services. Secretary Sebelius’s leadership and experience will be a tremendous asset to our efforts to fix our broken health care system and ensure that all Americans have access to access to quality and affordable health insurance. Momentum is growing for passing a comprehensive reform package this year with the Obama administration and Congress united in our belief that improving health care is fundamental to rebuilding a strong economy.”

Miller and the chairmen of the two other House committees of jurisdiction, U.S. Reps. Henry Waxman (D-CA), and Charles Rangel (D-NY), are working together, in an unprecedented way, to pass health care reform legislation in the House by the August recess. For more information on their efforts, click here.