
Chairman Miller Applauds Suspension of Last-Minute Bush Guest Worker Regulation

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, today applauded an announcement by the Department of Labor for suspending a last-minute Bush administration regulation that lowered wages and gutted labor protections for agricultural guest workers – changes that threatened to drive down the wages and working conditions for all agricultural workers. “I commend Labor Secretary Hilda Solis for suspending this destructive midnight regulation that slashed already low wages for farm workers,” said Miller. “I look forward to working with the Obama administration to improve all our nation’s guest worker programs by increasing oversight and labor protections for guest workers and U.S. workers alike.”   

The Bush regulation affects workers in the U.S. Department of Labor’s H-2A guest worker program. Under this program employers are allowed to hire foreign workers only if they can’t first find American workers, and only if the wages and working conditions they provide don’t have a negative impact on U.S. workers. Last year the committee heard testimony from witnesses about fraud and abuse in guest worker programs under the Bush administration’s watch.

Among other things, the December regulation weakened oversight of the H-2A program, making it much easier for employers to hire foreign workers over available American workers.

The suspension will go into effect in 30 days.

For more information on the regulation, click here.