
Chairman Miller Applauds Obama Administration for Releasing Additional Recovery Funds to States

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, today applauded the Obama administration for acting quickly to send additional recovery funding to states that need help maintaining critical services, like education and public safety, and rebuilding their economies. The U.S. Department of Education announced this afternoon that nearly $2.7 billion will be allocated to states today as the last third of the government services fund under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. This fund, included as part of the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund, is specifically intended to help support education, repair and modernize school facilities, and to backfill cuts to public safety and other essential state government services.
“By releasing these funds ahead of schedule, the Obama administration will help keep more teachers in classrooms, more police officers on our streets, more doctors and nurses in clinics, and will spur new jobs by updating schools in need of repair. The historic education investments in this law are already starting to pay off by restoring harmful spending cuts and driving school reforms that will create a highly-skilled, competitive workforce for generations to come.  Today’s announcement is another important step toward reviving our communities by protecting jobs that are integral to their local economies and building the world-class education system our economy needs and our children deserve.”

To view how much funding each state will receive, click here.