
Chairman Miller Announces Hearing to Review School Turnaround Companies

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee today announced plans for a hearing to review companies who contract with school districts to help improve schools. “Failing schools affect not only students and teachers, but entire communities. Turning around low achieving and persistently failing schools requires critical attention, resources, flexibility and planning for success – and keeping a close eye on the needs of the students and the community. In recent hearings, we’ve heard from expert witnesses and high quality providers with the skills and expertise to help turn around schools.

"However, with increased focus on school reform under this administration, it seems some companies with little or no expertise in education are purporting to be experts in school turnaround to try and take advantage of available federal money. Companies who are hired to help turn around schools as partners should have the best expertise and the best qualifications. I plan to hold a hearing and use the committee’s oversight authority to investigate the process of hiring providers to help turn around schools.”

The Education and Labor Committee has held several hearings looking at best practices for turning around low performing schools.

More information about school turnaround hearings