
Chair Miller Statement on Interim Rules for Insurance Coverage of Young Adults on Parent’s Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), chair of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued a statement today after the Obama administration issued interim final regulations that will allow parents to keep eligible adult children on their health insurance policies up to age 26.  This provision, part of the new health insurance reform law, goes into effect for all insurance plan years beginning in September. Many insurers have also announced that they will comply with this part of the law earlier than required.  “Today’s announcement is an important example of how the benefits of the new health reform law are starting to kick in for Americans. These rules will help bring financial and health security to millions of young adults who are just starting their careers in a difficult job market and don’t have access to employer-provided coverage. They will also bring peace of mind to millions of parents who won’t have to worry about their children’s lack of coverage. They will help drastically reduce the percentage of all young adults – currently about 30 percent – who do not have insurance by allowing them to stay on their parents’ plans until they turn 26 and will provide an important bridge of coverage until reforms come into full effect in 2014.”

View a fact sheet on coverage of young adults