
Bonamici Statement on Canceled TrumpCare Vote

WASHINGTON, DC [03/24/17] – Today Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR) released the following statement after House leadership canceled the vote on the American Health Care Act, also known as TrumpCare:

“This bill was a disaster, and I’m glad it was pulled from consideration before a vote.

“TrumpCare would be devastating. Oregonians and Americans would pay more and get less. Many would face a future without health insurance, or with inadequate coverage. It’s especially bad for seniors, who would see their rates increase significantly.

“Without coverage, working families are a cancer diagnosis or a heart attack away from economic ruin. I used to do financial counseling at Legal Aid. Many clients came in because they were struggling to repay medical debt after getting sick with no insurance or insurance that didn’t cover their needs. We can’t go back to the days when medical debt forced people into bankruptcy.

“The Trumpcare bill eliminated essential health benefits; several important consumer protections the Affordable Care Act added to insurance. By removing these benefits, TrumpCare would not cover many critical services, like mental health care, emergency room services, and maternity care. This change in the bill, added late last night in a desperate but unsuccessful attempt to gain more support from conservatives, would mean that people would once again buy insurance policies that would not cover their needs.

“Additionally, Trumpcare made meaningless the ACA guarantee that people with preexisting conditions cannot be discriminated against or denied coverage. With Trumpcare, people with pre-existing conditions would face insurmountable bills if unexpected illness or injuries occur.

“Women stand to lose the most under TrumpCare. Women who get life-saving cancer screenings and care at Planned Parenthood would have to find a new provider. Without insurance plans covering maternity care, women would struggle to get prenatal care – or simply go without. New mothers without insurance could face $50,000 in bills after a C-section.

“I planned to vote against TrumpCare because it would be a disaster for Oregonians and Americans. I stand ready to work with all of my colleagues on policies that improve access to affordable health care for all."


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