
Bonamici Introduces Bill to Support High-Quality Assessments in Schools

WASHINGTON— States need additional support as they design and implement assessment systems that are aligned to high standards, so Representatives Suzanne Bonamici (D-Ore.), a leading Democrat on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, and Jim Gerlach (R-Penn.) today introduced the Support Making Assessments Reliable and Timely (SMART) Act. The legislation will help states and school districts improve their use of assessments, better align testing with college- and career-ready standards, and eliminate unnecessary exams that do not contribute to teaching and learning.

“Every parent deserves to know how his or her child is performing in school every year, and assessments are an integral part of fulfilling that promise,” said Rep. George Miller (D-Calif.), senior Democrat on the committee. “But to properly support students, parents, and educators, assessments must be meaningful and based on strong academic standards. Representative Bonamici’s commonsense proposal will help schools do more with fewer tests, while preserving the valuable role that annual, statewide assessments play in improving academic outcomes for all students.”

The SMART Act will enable states and school districts to streamline their assessment systems by eliminating redundant, low-quality testing that is not required by federal law. The bill will also help strengthen the use of assessment data on behalf of students.

“I know from visiting schools that high-quality assessments play a role in guiding instruction and helping teachers, students, and parents monitor progress,” said Rep. Bonamici. “But too often students spend time preparing for and taking tests that are unreliable or redundant. The SMART Act will help states and districts eliminate unnecessary assessments, design sensible assessment systems that focus on tests that help teachers teach and students learn, and strengthen support for educators. A commonsense approach with broad support, the SMART Act will refocus our attention on the positive learning that takes place in classrooms.”

The SMART Act affirms that reliable, high-quality assessments aligned to rigorous standards serve an important purpose for students and families who rely on testing to help gauge whether schools and districts are equitably serving all students. It is endorsed by leading national organizations, including the Center for American Progress, the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates, Democrats for Education Reform, Education Trust, the Leadership Conference for Civil and Human Rights, the National Center for Learning Disabilities, the National Council of La Raza, and the National Education Association.

More information on the SMART Act can be found here.