
August Employment Report Shows America Needs Jobs First and Jobs Now


WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement on today’s jobs report issued by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“The August jobs report is very disappointing but not surprising. It is disappointing because the absence of jobs is the number one problem facing our country and the lynchpin to nearly every other economic problem in our country right now.  It is not surprising, however, because Congress has done nothing to create jobs all year long.  Instead, under pressure from radical political forces, it has starved the economic recovery.

“We have tried austerity for eight months now and it has failed to revive the economy.  The only way to tackle our economic problems, including reducing the deficit and our debt, is to create jobs immediately.  When Americans are back to work the economy is growing, the deficit is shrinking and America is getting stronger.  Throughout history, our nation has only been as strong as our middle class.  When working people do well, America does well. 

“Create jobs first and create jobs now – that’s our mandate and that’s what Congress should start doing immediately upon its return next week.”

Last week, Rep. Miller introduced a jobs bill that he believes should be included in the mix of jobs proposals considered by Congress.  It would create and save a million jobs in local communities by ensuring that families count on essential services like transit, public safety and health care.