
Rep. George Miller Statement on Equal Pay Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the senior Democrat on the House Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement on Equal Pay Day. 
“Today, our nation marks the day in 2011 that it takes for a woman in our country to make as much as a man in all of 2010. Equal pay for equal work is about basic fairness and justice. It is also about making sure families have the purchasing power they deserve. There is no moral or economic justification for paying women less than men for doing a similar job, yet the wage gap persists.  
“That’s why I introduced and pushed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which passed last Congress and signed into law by President Obama. And that’s why I continue to be a lead sponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act with my colleague Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro. If we’re serious about growing and strengthening our nation’s middle class, then we must ensure that every American who works hard for a living can earn a fair and decent wage.”
Lilly Ledbetter sat down with Rep. Miller last year to discuss the landmark law that was named after her. Watch the video