
Scott Statement on October Jobs Report

WASHINGTON – Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) issued the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the economy added 261,000 jobs in October, with the unemployment rate at 4.1 percent.  

“Today’s jobs report shows that our economic recovery remains strong and resilient, but our work in Congress is far from over. The reality is that too many families and individuals are still struggling to make ends meet, and lack some semblance of economic security. A substantial portion of that security is achieved through access to affordable health care coverage. Open enrollment for 2018, which began November 1st and runs through December 15th, gives families the opportunity to choose a coverage plan that works for them.

“Despite constant sabotage of the Affordable Care Act by the Trump administration, it remains the law of the land. More than 80 percent of people can find a plan for less than $75 on healthcare.gov. Additionally, a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation found more than 1,500 counties will be offering health care plans with zero premiums. Instead of undermining bipartisan solutions to strengthen the Affordable Care Act, the Trump administration should be working to get more Americans covered.”

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