
Scott Denounces Senate Move to Weaken State Retirement Savings Programs

WASHINGTON – Committee on Education and the Workforce Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03) released the following statement after the U.S. Senate passed (50-49) H.J.RES.66, a Congressional Review Act joint resolution to undercut state initiatives to establish retirement savings programs for private-sector workers.

“Today, the Senate passed H.J.Res. 66, a joint resolution that nullifies a critical Department of Labor rule supporting states’ efforts to expand workers’ access to retirement savings programs. Congress should not be in the business of undermining any state’s ability to responsibly expand workers’ access to retirement savings programs. However, that is what the Republican-led Senate did today, following the same misguided path as the House Majority several months ago. We know that too many Americans lack access to a retirement savings program through their employer, and too few are financially able to build a retirement nest egg on their own. Unfortunately, rather than working on a comprehensive bipartisan solution to address our country’s retirement savings crisis, Congressional Republicans have gone out of their way to make things worse by destabilizing state efforts to help workers save for retirement.”

Ranking Member Scott spoke in strong opposition to H.J.RES.66 when it was considered by the U.S. House of Representatives in February.

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