
Chairman Miller Statement on Dramatic Job Losses in November

WASHINGTON, DC -- U.S. Rep. George Miller (D-CA), the chairman of the House Education and Labor Committee, issued the following statement after the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that 533,000 jobs were lost in November and the unemployment rate jumped to 6.7 percent, the highest number of job losses since 1974. Approximately 1.9 million jobs have been lost since January.

“Today’s devastating news that our nation lost more than a half million jobs in November is further evidence that we need to move quickly and decisively to put Americans back to work. Our economy will not get back on track until Americans are working again and families feel secure about their economic future.

“Our first priority must be to approve an economic recovery plan that will make investments in energy independence, rebuild our neglected infrastructure, and continue to provide relief to families struggling to make ends meet. Economists of every stripe tell us that targeted investments in infrastructure improvements and the green economy will create millions of jobs in the short-term and encourage long-term economic growth.

“But, as our nation builds a more resilient economy, we must also ensure that all workers are able to share in a rebounding economy. Workers must be able to earn a fair wage, decent benefits and have the ability to enjoy a secure retirement. I look forward to working with the new Congress and the Obama administration to improve the economic security of American workers and strengthen middle-class families.”