
By:  Michael Stratford
Source: Politico Pro

House education panel to hold 5 hearings on rewriting Higher Education Act

The House education committee announced today that it plans to hold five hearings in the coming months on reauthorizing the Higher Education Act.

Rep. Bobby Scott, (D-Va.), the panel’s Democratic chairman, and Rep. Virginia Foxx, (R-N.C.), the committee’s top Republican, said that the hearings marked the formal start of an effort to comprehensively update the higher education law for the first time in more than a decade.

— "The Cost of College: Student Centered Reforms to Bring Higher Education Within Reach”
— "Strengthening Accountability in Higher Education to Better Serve Students and Taxpayers”
— "The Cost of Non-Completion: Improving Student Outcomes in Higher Education”
— "Engines of Economic Mobility: The Critical Role of Community Colleges, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Minority-Serving Institutions in Preparing Students for Success”
— “Innovation to Improve Equity: Exploring High-Quality Pathways to a College Degree”

No dates were specified.

The hearings in the House come as Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) and Patty Murray (D-Wash.) negotiate a higher education bill in the Senate. Alexander has said his goal is to have President Donald Trump sign a bill into law by the end of this year.