
By:  Kimberly Hefling
Source: Politico Pro

House Democrats take on school segregation

With help from Nicole Gaudiano

— One day ahead of the 65th anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education ruling, the House Education and Labor Committee votes on legislation today designed to encourage school desegregation.

— The Education Department's independent research arm is out with a new study that finds D.C.'s voucher program had no effect on student achievement after three years. The program has long been a political football and the findings are sure to be looked at closely by both sides of the debate.

IT’S THURSDAY, MAY 16. WELCOME TO MORNING EDUCATION. Got news to share? Drop me a line at khefling@politico.com. Share event listings: educalendar@politicopro.com. And follow us on Twitter: @Morning_Edu and @POLITICOPro.

HOUSE DEMS TO TACKLE SCHOOL SEGREGATION: In a nod to one of House Education and Labor Chairman Bobby Scott’s priorities, the committee will consider two bills today designed to tackle the growing racial segregation in America’s schools. Scott (D-Va.) has long argued that integrated schools lead to equitable funding and opportunities.

— The timing is symbolic. The markup comes one day before the 65th anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education ruling that outlawed "separate but equal" schools.

— It’s also potentially historically significant. One of the bills — the "Strength in Diversity Act of 2019," H.R. 2639 (116) — would extend incentives to voluntary community efforts to integrate schools. Passage would represent one of the most significant investments in promoting school integration since federal support for magnet schools began in 1972, according to a committee aide.

— The second bill under consideration is the “Equity and Inclusion Enforcement Act,” H.R. 2574 (116). It would restore a private right of action to file disparate impact claims under Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The measure would also create a Title VI monitor at the Education Department responsible for investigating complaints of racial discrimination.

— "Sixty-five years after Brown v. Board, Congress must continue to fight for effective school desegregation and the right to pursue redress for practices that disparately impact racial groups. The legislation under consideration today is an opportunity to finally deliver on the promise of Brown," Scott will say, according to prepared remarks.

— The markup will be at 10:15 a.m. in 2175 Rayburn. Watch the livestream.

— Also today: Civil rights organizations will host a rally at the corner of Constitution Avenue and 1st Street NW at 10 a.m. in honor of the anniversary. Organizers say “equity in classrooms” is one of several issues that will be addressed. Watch the livestream.

— Meanwhile, from the White House: President Donald Trump is expected to unveil a new immigration proposal today that would move the U.S. toward a more merit-based system and boost border security. It's aimed at countering the notion that he's anti-immigrant. Read more from POLITICO’s Anita Kumar and Eliana Johnson.

GATES FOUNDATION TO LOOK AT COLLEGE VALUE: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced a new commission today that will look at the value of post-high school certificates and degrees.

— The "Commission on the Value of Postsecondary Education" also seeks to further the public's understanding of the return on investment students receive from their college or university — and what schools can do to make it better.

— “People are actually asking a question I never thought I’d hear — ‘Is going to college a reliable path to economic opportunity?'” Sue Desmond-Hellmann, the foundation's CEO, told reporters on a conference call. “This question of value needs to be addressed, and we feel that it needs to be addressed urgently.” Read more from your host.

STUDY TALKER: The District of Columbia Opportunity Scholarship Program, the nation's only federally funded private school voucher program, had no effect on student achievement after three years, according to a new report out Wednesday from the Education Department's independent Institute of Education Sciences.

— But the program, which helps low-income students pay for private school tuition, had a positive impact on student satisfaction with their schools and perceptions of school safety, the study found. Read more from Nicole Gaudiano.

STEM BILL CLEARS COMMITTEE: Legislation, S. 737 (116), that would expand STEM education initiatives at the National Science Foundation for young children made it through the Senate Commerce Committee by voice vote on Wednesday. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), a former computer programmer, would also offer new research grants to help boost girls' participation in STEM education. One committee member voted against it: Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah).

— Rosen said she hopes the bill comes to the Senate floor for a vote in the near future. “As a former computer programmer, I know just how important this work is, and I’m confident that this bill will help us close the gender gap in STEM education, train our workforce and prepare our children for careers in the 21st Century,” she said after the vote.

THINGS HEATING UP AGAIN IN WEST VIRGINIA? Teachers unions in the state are calling on GOP Gov. Jim Justice to cancel a special legislative session scheduled to begin on Monday.

— It’s the latest sign of teacher unrest in the state that started the wave of teacher strikes in 2018. Fred Albert, president of AFT-WV, called the session a “second attempt at retaliation against education employees.” Read more from Nicole.

— In Oregon: Lawmakers sent a bill to Democratic Gov. Kate Brown that would bring an addition $1 billion a year into Oregon’s K-12 schools. Last week, teachers in the state staged a one-day walkout. It passed in the Senate on Monday only after Brown made a deal with Republicans who had walked out, Oregon Public Broadcasting reported.

— In California: The Los Angeles Times reported that the election on Tuesday of a veteran educator to the Los Angeles school board tilts it back to being pro-teachers unions. The winner, Jackie Goldberg, also served on the board three decades ago. Los Angeles was also home to teacher unrest earlier this year.

ICYMI: STUDENT KICKED OUT OF GEORGETOWN IN ADMISSIONS SCANDAL SUES: A student who was admitted to Georgetown University after his dad paid to get him designated as a fake tennis recruit said the university violated his due process rights before kicking him out this week. Read more on the suit against the school from Benjamin Wermund.

— Chip Slaven has joined the National School Boards Association as chief advocacy officer. He was previously counsel to the president and senior advocacy adviser at the Alliance for Excellent Education.

— Lori Williams has been named president and CEO of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. Williams previously served as vice president of the WASC Senior College and University Commission.

— A new study by Georgetown Law’s Center on Poverty and Inequality finds that black girls routinely experience adultification bias.

— 9 a.m.: The National Center on Education and the Economy holds a book discussion on "The Early Advantage 2: Building Systems that Work for Young Children." 1200 New York Ave. NW.

— 10 a.m.: Civil Rights groups hold a rally at the U.S. Capitol in honor of the 65th anniversary of Brown v. Board of Education. Corner of Constitution Avenue and 1st Street NW.

— 10:15 a.m.: The House Education and Labor Committee marks up two bills focused on school desegregation. 2175 Rayburn.

— Noon.: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi participates in a discussion with Georgetown Law School Dean William Treanor and the graduating class. 600 New Jersey Ave. NW. Then, at 5:30 p.m., Jose Andres, founder of World Central Kitchen, delivers McCourt School of Public Policy commencement address at Georgetown University. 37th and O Streets NW, Healy Lawn.

— 2 p.m.: The House Natural Resources Committee holds an oversight hearing on “Investigating the Health and Safety Risks of Native Children at BIE Boarding Schools." Longworth 1334.

— 4:30 p.m.: The National Assessment Governing Board meets. Arlington, Va.

— Some criticize end of online AP program in rural state: The Associated Press.

— Landmark Maryland education bill to become law without Hogan’s signature: Washington Post.