
By:  Kimberly Hefling
Source: Politico

DeVos returns to Capitol Hill to face House Democrats


— The Trump administration has indicated a new approach on the affirmative action front after it reached an agreement with Texas Tech University's medical school to end the practice.

— The National Urban League is calling on Congress to hold hearings focused on equity-related issues under the Every Student Succeeds Act as the group releases a new report card on the topic.

IT’S WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10. WELCOME TO MORNING EDUCATION. Got news to share? Drop me a line at khefling@politico.com. Share event listings: educalendar@politicopro.com. And follow us on Twitter: @Morning_Edu and @POLITICOPro.


DEVOS TO FACE HOUSE DEMOCRATS TODAY: Expect fireworks when the Education secretary appears for the first time before the House Education and Labor Committee since Democrats gained control of the chamber this year. She returns to Capitol Hill about two weeks after generating a stir at separate appearances before House and Senate Appropriations subcommittees — particularly over the Trump administration's budget proposal that sought to cut $17.6 million from a Special Olympics education program.

— During the hearing, Chairman Bobby Scott (D-Va.) is expected to challenge DeVos for what he sees as the department's "lack of transparency" in answering questions on a host of K-12 and higher education matters — including the department's position pertaining to using federal funds to arm teachers.

— "In August 2018, we asked the Department to clarify its position on the use of taxpayer money to arm teachers, which has left a dangerous opening for school districts to use federal education funding to put firearms in classrooms. We have not received a substantive explanation of its position," Scott is expected to say, according to his prepared remarks.

— The hearing starts at 9 a.m. in 2175 Rayburn. Watch the livestream.

— Also on the Hill today: The Senate HELP Committee will meet to discuss strengthening accountability as it seeks to reauthorize the Higher Education Act. The hearing starts at 10 a.m. in 430 Dirksen. Watch the livestream.

— Meanwhile, all morning in the Rayburn foyer, the Institute for Higher Education Policy and other groups are hosting an “interactive learning experience” designed to showcase the barriers former prisoners face when they re-enter society. The event comes one day after bipartisan legislation was announced that would end a ban on Pell Grants for incarcerated students. Read more from Benjamin Wermund.


TRUMP ADMINISTRATION TAKES NEW APPROACH ON AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: The Education Department has long targeted affirmative action in the college admissions process, but now it’s taken it one more step. Texas Tech University's medical school has agreed to stop considering race in admissions as part of an agreement with the department.

— It marks the first time the Trump administration has reached a resolution in a probe of the use of race in admissions. The move could foretell how the Education Department will proceed with ongoing investigations into affirmative action policies at Harvard and Yale. Read more from Ben.

RESHUFFLING THE FEDERAL STUDENT AID OFFICE: The Trump administration is planning a major reorganization of the Education Department’s Office of Federal Student Aid. The department will significantly reduce number of senior officials who serve on the FSA executive committee and who report directly to the head of the office, according to a plan presented during a staff meeting on Tuesday and reviewed by POLITICO.

— Senior officials began developing the Federal Student Aid reorganization last October, and DeVos signed off on the plan last week, according to the presentation slides.

— Under the plan, fewer senior officials will report directly to Mark Brown, the new chief operating officer whom DeVos appointed last month. The 18-member executive committee of senior leaders will be reduced to eight members, including Brown, to make it “a smaller, decision-focused body,” according to the presentation slides.

— The executive committee will consist of four new deputy chief operating officers: A. Wayne Johnson, deputy for strategy, innovation, and transformation; Michael Dean, deputy for strategic measures and outcomes; Robin Minor, deputy for partner participation and oversight; and Chris Greene, deputy for customer experience. It will also include senior advisers John Kane and Julian Schmoke Jr. as well as a spot for a new chief of staff. Michael Stratford has more.


SPOTLIGHT ON ESSA: The National Urban League is calling on Congress today to hold hearings focused on the Every Student Succeeds Act. Resource equity, states’ efforts to amend their previously submitted ESSA plans, data transparency and accessibility, and the federal role in oversight are all areas the group says are ripe for discussion.

— The call for hearings comes as the Urban League releases an equity report card that looks at how well states are addressing issues such as supports for struggling schools in their state plans. The results will be discussed during a noon event today at the National Press Club.

— Separately, the Education Department has put Arizona on “high-risk status” over testing. The department is raising red flags concerning the state's efforts to roll out alternative K-12 assessments that go beyond its AzMERIT standardized test — raising the possibility the state could lose more than $300 million in Title I funds if it doesn't comply. Read more from your host.

TEACHER UNREST HEATS UP IN OREGON: Teachers in the state have organized several #redfored activities today focused on K-12 funding. It will lead up to a “day of action” on May 8 that’s expected to draw teachers out of their schools to protest. The Statesman Journal reports the teachers are demanding an additional $2 billion per biennium to maintain and improve K-12 schools.

ICYMI: KELEHER DEFENDS JOB AS PUERTO RICO’S EDUCATION SECRETARY: Julia Keleher, whose turbulent tenure as Puerto Rico's Education secretary ended last week, tells POLITICO she has no regrets about how she handled her role. Keleher oversaw the closure of hundreds of schools after Puerto Rico lost about 40,000 students in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria in 2017. Beyond the mass closings, she clashed with the teachers union in her successful drive to bring charter schools and a voucher program to the island.

— "I stood up for children who didn't have a voice to advocate for themselves in an environment where probably three generations have been underserved by the public education system," Keleher said. Read more from your host.