Teachers Jobs Saved by H.R. 1586, the Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act: state-by-state
Based on analysis from the Council of Economic Advisors of projected State budget shortfalls for FY 2011, we estimated that as many as 100,000 to 300,000 education jobs could be at risk across the country in the upcoming school year.
We know States and districts are working hard to find ways to minimize job losses and keep cuts away from classrooms, but some are making cuts that we know will have an impact on kids. Furlough days, cutting after school programs, and cutting or reducing summer school are some of the tough choices being made when we know we need to be expanding learning time.
We also know these job losses would ripple through the wider economy and undercut ongoing efforts to create jobs.
That is why the House will take a rare August vote to pass this legislation and send it to President Obama for his signature prior to the start of the new school year.
See below the fold for a table of each state's allocation and an estimation of teacher jobs saved. [Updated to reflect new projection on August 9, 2010]