Support for the Strong Start for America's Children Act of 2013

The following organizations have expressed their support for the Strong Start for America's Children Act of 2013:

  • Alliance for Children and Families
  • America’s Edge
  • American Federation of School Administrators, AFL-CIO
  • American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees
  • American Federation of Teachers
  • Association of American Publishers
  • BUILD Initiative
  • Center for American Progress Action Fund
  • Champions for America’s Future
  • Child Care Aware
  • Child Care Law Center
  • Children’s Defense Fund
  • Coalition on Human Needs
  • Council for Exceptional Children
  • Council of Greater City Schools
  • Democrats for Education Reform
  • Early Childhood Policy Research
  • Easters Seals
  • The EVERY Child Matters Education Fund
  • Fair Share
  • Fight Crime: Invest in Kids
  • First Five Years Fund
  • First Focus Campaign for Children
  • Generations United
  • Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) USA
  • International Reading Association
  • Jack and Jill of America, Inc.
  • The Leadership Conference
  • Learning Disabilities Association of America
  • LISC
  • Literate Nation
  • Mission: Readiness
  • Moms Rising
  • National Association for the Education of Young Children
  • National Association of Elementary School Principals
  • National Association of State Directors of Special Education
  • National Association for Music Education
  • National Black Child Development Institute
  • National Center for Learning Disabilities
  • National Children’s Facilities Network
  • National Council of Jewish Women
  • National Education Association
  • National Head Start Association
  • National PTA
  • National Title 1 Association
  • National Urban League
  • National Women’s Law Center
  • Nemours
  • NETWORK, a National Catholic Social Justice Lobby
  • 9 to 5
  • Parents as Teachers
  • Ready Nation/America’s Promise Alliance
  • Save the Children
  • Scholastic
  • Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
  • Shepherding the Next Generation
  • Stand for Children
  • Teaching Strategies
  • United Way
  • Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families
Statements of support

“Investments in high-quality early childhood education are the soundest step that we as a nation can take to boost our economy and support our nation’s youngest learners. Sen. Harkin and Rep. Miller’s bill is an important step forward to providing our children with a strong start in life. 70 percent of Americans polled from all walks of life, business leaders from across the nation, and military leaders from all branches agree: Congress should move right away to make this substantial investment. With a real opportunity to address our budget priorities through the Budget Conference Committee by December, the time for action is now.” - Kris Perry, Executive Director of the First Five Years Fund

“This bill provides more of our youngest children the strong start they need to be successful in school and in life and their parents the support and peace of mind they need to be productive at work.” - Nancy Duff Campbell, Co-President, National Women’s Law Center

“Children who attend prekindergarten are less likely to drop out of school, repeat grades, need special education, or, at an older age, get in trouble with the law. High quality early childhood education and full-day kindergarten are fundamental to a student’s long term success and shouldn’t be determined by their parents’ income. Investing now in preschool programs will end up saving states and the federal government billions over decades—and most importantly, doing all we can to ensure all children have the tools they need for academic and social success, is the right thing to do.” - Dennis Van Roekel, President, National Education Association

“The Early Childhood Education Improvement Act being introduced today lays the foundation for success for millions of children in poor families. Our country’s top economists and researchers acknowledge investments in high quality early childhood development and learning programs, especially for our most disadvantaged children, are the best education and economic investment we can make for the future of the nation. Offering children birth through five a continuum of quality early childhood supports will prevent poverty, level the playing field and strengthen our future generations. It is the right thing to do and the smart thing to do. We all need to contribute to make it happen. We all stand to benefit.” - Marian Wright Edelman, President, Children’s Defense Fund

“The 5,000 police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors and crime victims who are a part of Fight Crime: Invest in Kids know that smart investments that put kids on the right path early are some of the best public safety investments we can make. We are pleased to support this bi-partisan legislation. It's a great opportunity to act on decades of research that makes an open and shut case for the power of quality preschool for lowering future crime. The smart leadership we're witnessing today will lead to a tremendous reduction in the number of children who are ill-prepared for success in school and thus more likely to end up in the juvenile and criminal justice systems.” - Natasha O'Dell Archer, National Director, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids

“Poor academic preparation is a leading reason why 75 percent of today's young adults cannot qualify for military service. Expanding access to quality preschool will help us solve this problem by ensuring children start school with the foundation they need for long-term academic achievement. Supporting this legislation is the best thing we can do, right now, to lead young people toward high school graduation, higher education and productive careers, including the military for those who choose to serve. This bipartisanlegislation is a smart step in the right direction to ensure our national security.” - Amy Dawson Taggart, National Director and Founder, Mission: Readiness

“Employers nationwide are financially stymied and frustrated by the challenge of finding workers with the literacy, math and problem solving abilities that are demanded by today's high-skills economy. We have ample reason to celebrate the wisdom of this investment in early education, which will pay big dividends in the number of children who succeed in school and graduate with the preparation they need for college and careers. This bi-partisan legislation is a smart investment to ensure American competitiveness and for our economy.” - Susan Gates, National Director, America's Edge

“As faith leaders, we must 'speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves,' as commanded in Proverbs 31.8, and we must provide help, protection and resources for those who need them. Supporting this important bi-partisan legislation to give children the nurturing and support they need for success in school is a wonderful way to do just that.” - Thomas Pearce, National Director, Shepherding the Next Generation

“NAESP applauds introduction of the bipartisan Strong Start for America’s Children Act of 2013. The bill will help states provide high-quality early childhood education that is not just an ideal, it’s an essential investment. Principals know that strong early learning sets the stage for student academic achievement in later years, and student success depends on the ability of schools to foster the intellectual, social, and emotional growth in all young children. This bill has the potential to dramatically change the lives of the nation’s children at-risk of beginning formal education behind their peers, particularly low-income children, and offer them a chance to begin school on equal footing. Principals look forward to working with Congress to fulfill this commitment to every young child beginning in the earliest years of their education.” - Gail Connelly, Executive Director of NAESP