Department of Education Guidance on American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funds


Emergency relief funding provided under President Obama’s economic recovery plan was released across the country on April 1, 2009. This first installment of funds will help schools save teaching jobs and maintain education programs for low-income students and students with disabilities. School districts will receive the second installment of the funds, provided under Title I and IDEA formulas, this fall.

In addition to the Title I and IDEA investments, the economic recovery plan also created a $54 billion State Fiscal Stabilization Fund to help stabilize state and local budgets and restore harmful cuts to education.  The Obama administration also issued guidelines to clarify how the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund can be used by local districts and colleges. States can apply for this funding beginning on April 1, 2009. More »

Department of Education Guidance:

(April 1, 2009) Guidance on the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund »
(April 1, 2009) Guidance on Title I, Part A »
(April 1, 2009) Guidance on IDEA, Part B »
(April 1, 2009) Guidance on IDEA, Part C »

(For Department of Education guidance on all Recovery Act funds, click here.)

(For estimates of the amount of education funding each state and school district will receive from certain aspects of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, click here.)