
acrobatScott, Adams Letter to DOL regarding Joint Employer Rule
acrobatChairman Scott joint letter to Secretary Walsh re: Support of the Department of Labor’s proposal to withdraw the January 2020 final interpretative rule “Joint Employer Status Under the Fair Labor Standards Act.”
acrobatChairman Scott joint letter to Secretary Walsh re: Support of the Department of Labor’s proposal to withdraw the January 2021 final interpretive rule “Independent Contractor Status under the Fair Labor Standards Act.”
acrobatBicameral Letter to HHS Regarding Special Enrollment Period
acrobatLetter Of Support For HR 1065 From Coalition
acrobatLetter Of Support From Machinists Union For HR 1195
acrobatLetter Of Support From APHA For HR 1995
acrobatLetter Of Support From NNU For HR 1195
acrobatLetter Of Support From ACEP For HR 1195
acrobatLetter Of Support From AFSCME For HR 1195
acrobatLetter Of Support From AFT For HR 1195
acrobatLetter Of Support For The PRO Act From UFCW
acrobatLetter Of Support For The PRO Act From IFPTE
acrobatLetter Of Support For The PRO Act From The Leadership Conference
acrobatLetter Of Support For The PRO Act From AFSCME
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