
acrobatRanking Member Scott Letter to Chair Foxx re Title VI Hearing Request
acrobatLetter to Secretary Acosta Regarding Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Beryllium Standard
acrobatDemocrats Push Attorney General Sessions and Secretary DeVos for Answers on Affirmative Action
acrobatLetter to Secretary DeVos on Loan Service Consolidation
acrobatRanking Members Scott and Murray Letter to Secretary DeVos on ESSA Review Process
acrobatDemocratic Health Leaders Urge Republicans to Work With Them to Improve the Affordable Care Act
acrobatIBT, SEIU, UAW, UFW, UFCW, USW Opposition Letter to H.R. 3441
acrobatCommittee Democrats Urge GOP to Hold Hearing on Raise the Wage Act
acrobatHouse Democrats Demand Strong Investments in Teachers
acrobatHouse Democrats Slam Proposed Cuts to Pell Grant Program
acrobatDave Our Retirement Letter
acrobatLetter to Mnuchin re myRA
acrobatIBEW Letter Opposing the Tribal Labor Sovereignty Act of 2017 (H.R. 986)
acrobatDPE Letter Opposing Three Anti-Union Bills
acrobatEPI Letter Opposing Three Anti-Union Bills
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