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H.R.9477 To authorize studies and pilot programs related to the development and production of aquaculture in the exclusive economic zone of the United States, and for other purposes.
H.R.9462 To establish the American Worker Retirement Plan, improve the financial security of working Americans by facilitating the accumulation of wealth, and for other purposes.
H.R.9475 To direct the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation of the Secretary of Education, to conduct a study on the impact of COVID-19 on the mental health of education professionals, to direct the Secretary of Education to award grants to implement or improve health and wellness programs for education professionals, and for other purposes.
H.R.9474 To extend immigration benefits to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking, and other gender-based violence, and for other purposes.
H.R.9468 To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to improve accessibility to, and completion of, postsecondary education for students, including students with disabilities, and for other purposes.
H.Con.Res.122 Recognizing the significance of equal pay and the disparity in wages paid to Latina women in comparison to men.
H.R.9482 To amend the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act to establish statewide community eligibility for certain special assistance payments, and for other purposes.
H.R.5444 Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act
H.Res.1511 Recognizing Interscholastic Athletic Administrators' Day on December 14, 2022.
H.R.9439 To ensure progress toward the fulfillment by the Federal Government of its trust and treaty obligations to Native Americans and Tribal governments, to ensure funding for programs for Native Americans and Tribal governments, and for other purposes.
H.R.9454 To strengthen student achievement and graduation rates and prepare children and youth for college, careers, and citizenship through innovative partnerships that meet the comprehensive needs of children and youth.
H.R.9440 To provide consumer protections for students.
H.R.9429 To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to direct the Secretary of Education to publish requirements for financial aid offers to be provided by institutions of higher education to enrolled and prospective students, and for other purposes.
H.R.9428 To authorize the Secretary of Education to make grants to local educational agencies to assist certain individuals in reentering a secondary school or a general educational development program, and for other purposes.
H.R.9420 To direct the National Cyber Director to establish a Cyber Education Task Force, and for other purposes.
H.R.9407 To require the Secretary of Labor to implement the industry-recognized apprenticeship program process, and for other purposes.
H.R.9403 To provide whistleblower protections to certain workers in the offshore oil and gas industry.
H.R.9377 To establish the National Patient Safety Board.
H.R.9387 To strengthen civil rights protections against harassment based on sex, race, color, national origin, disability, or age.
H.R.9394 To amend the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 1990 to reauthorize and update the Act, and for other purposes.
H.Res.1501 Expressing support for the goals of National Adoption Day and National Adoption Month by promoting national awareness of adoption and the children awaiting families, celebrating children and families involved in adoption, and encouraging the people of the United States to secure safety, permanency, and well-being for all children.
H.Res.1489 Supporting the designation of the week beginning November 14, 2022, as "National Apprenticeship Week".
H.R.9327 To establish in the Department of Labor an Older Workers' Bureau, to establish grant programs related to employment of older workers, and for other purposes.
H.R.9305 To amend the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act to require employers who are ordering a plant closing or mass layoff to cover the cost of an economic impact study in each impacted unit of local government, and for other purposes.
H.Res.1487 Recognizing the harm associated with restraints in schools.
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