H.R.10405bill number |
To amend the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to provide leave because of the death of a son or daughter, and for other purposes. |
H.R.10404bill number |
To amend title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide program eligibility for distance education programs offered by foreign institutions of higher education. |
H.R.8932bill number |
FAFSA Deadline Act |
H.R.10336bill number |
To improve access for diverse-owned asset management firms, and for other purposes. |
H.R.5349bill number |
Crucial Communism Teaching Act |
H.R.10312bill number |
To authorize workforce development innovation grants for the implementation, expansion, and evaluation of evidence-based workforce programs, and for other purposes. |
H.R.10288bill number |
To amend the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 to prohibit health care providers and facilities from imposing certain facility fees for telehealth. |
H.R.10278bill number |
To build on America's spirit of service to nurture, promote, and expand a culture of service to secure the Nation's future, address critical needs of the Nation, and strengthen the civic fabric of American society. |
H.R.10261bill number |
To spark a renaissance in American manufacturing through the establishment of a American Manufacturing Renaissance Act to develop and monitor a national manufacturing strategy, to identify and address supply chain weaknesses as well as identify and address obstacles to inclusion and align manufacturing with strategic opportunities and imperatives through local multi-stakeholder Manufacturing Renaissance Councils, which are analogous to the technology hubs established in the Chips and Science Act, and for other purposes. |
H.Res.1597bill number |
Recognizing the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children on its 40th anniversary. |
H.R.7233bill number |
Jenna Quinn Law of 2024 |
H.R.10258bill number |
To protect babies and young children in childcare settings by strengthening transparency and safety requirements. |
H.R.10257bill number |
To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to prohibit an institution that participates in a nonexpressive commercial boycott of Israel from being eligible for certain funds under that Act. |
H.Res.1601bill number |
Expressing support for the designation of November 8, 2024, as "National First-Generation College Celebration Day". |
H.Res.1596bill number |
Recognizing November 30, 2024, as Yom Haplitim or Jewish Refugee Day. |
H.R.7227bill number |
Truth and Healing Commission on Indian Boarding School Policies Act of 2024 |
H.R.10253bill number |
To direct the Secretary of Labor to recognize employers with a commitment to helping employees balance workplace responsibilities and family obligations. |
H.R.10226bill number |
To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to ensure that members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces who perform duty other than active duty for a period of more than 30 days receive appropriate credit toward public service loan forgiveness, and for other purposes. |
H.R.10208bill number |
To strengthen student achievement and graduation rates and prepare children and youth for college, careers, and citizenship through innovative partnerships that meet the comprehensive needs of children and youth. |
H.Res.1591bill number |
Recognizing November 2024 as "National Family Caregivers Month". |
H.R.10192bill number |
To amend the Older Americans Act of 1965 to authorize grants for training and support services for families and unpaid caregivers of people living with Alzheimer's disease or a related dementia. |
H.R.10189bill number |
To authorize the Secretary of Education, in collaboration with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, to establish an interagency advisory Commission on Advancing Restorative Justice in Elementary and Secondary Education, and for other purposes. |
H.R.10184bill number |
To establish an Educational Equity Challenge Grant program administered by the Department of Education. |
H.R.10159bill number |
Affordable Loans for Students Act |
H.R.10164bill number |
To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to provide for a teacher leader development program, and for other purposes. |