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H.Res.732 Expressing support for the designation of September 30, 2023, through October 7, 2023, as "National Student Athlete Mental Health Week".
H.R.5742 To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide that tasks and services performed by certain individuals in postsecondary vocational institutions not be treated as employment.
H.R.5748 To promote and ensure delivery of high-quality special education and related services to children and youth who are blind or visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing, deafdisabled, or deafblind through instructional methodologies meeting their unique language and learning needs, to enhance accountability for the provision of such services, and for other purposes.
H.Res.733 Expressing concern about the spreading problem of book banning and the proliferation of threats to freedom of expression in the United States.
H.R.5769 To amend the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide grants to local educational agencies to establish "Family Friendly School" policies at 500 elementary schools that align the school day with the work day to better support working families and to disseminate the learnings from these model schools so that other local educational agencies may adopt these practices, and to establish a supplemental 21st century community learning centers grant program to support programs and activities during summer recess when school is not in session.
H.R.5340 Providing Complete Information to Retirement Investors Act
H.Res.702 Recognizing the duty of the Federal Government to protect the rights of restaurant workers.
H.R.4978 Agricultural Worker Justice Act
H.R.5740 To amend the Higher Education Act of 1965 to promote comprehensive campus mental health and suicide prevention plans, and for other purposes.
H.Res.708 Supporting the designation of the week of September 18 through September 23, 2023, as "Malnutrition Awareness Week".
H.R.5704 To promote State requirements for local educational agencies and public elementary and secondary schools relating to the prevention and treatment of concussions suffered by students.
H.R.5724 To amend the National and Community Service Act of 1990 to establish a pilot Civic Corps.
H.R.5097 Producing Real Opportunities for Technology and Entrepreneurs Investing in Nutrition Act
H.R.5339 RETIRE Act
H.R.5337 Retirement Proxy Protection Act
H.R.5338 No Discrimination in My Benefits Act
H.R.5710 To provide for the refinancing and recalculation of certain Federal student loans, and for other purposes.
H.R.4943 Enabling Farmers to Benefit from Processing Nutrition Programs Act of 2023
H.R.5673 To advance responsible policies.
H.R.5685 To prevent harassment at institutions of higher education, and for other purposes.
H.R.5680 To transfer the Peace Corps and the Corporation for National and Community Service under the umbrella of an American Volunteering Corporation, and for other purposes.
H.R.5678 To direct the Secretary of Education to carry out grant programs to encourage student participation in local government and volunteer service, and for other purposes.
H.R.5679 To provide a direct appropriation of funds for the Learn and Serve America program of the Corporation for National and Community Service, and expand the eligibility of such program to additional entities.
H.R.5145 WISE Act of 2023
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