Health Oversight Letters

acrobatRanking Member Scott & HELP Ranking Member DeSaulnier Letter to DOL on Disability and Mental Health Parity Enforcement
acrobatChairman Scott Oversight Letter to HHS re: Medical Equipment Accessibility
acrobatScott, Pallone Letter to FTC re Online Infant Formula Price Gouging
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to Secretaries Vilsak and Becerra re: Infant Formula Stockpile
acrobatBicameral Health Leaders Applaud Biden Administration’s Proposed ACA Marketplace Rule
acrobatChairman Scott joint letter to Secretary Becerra and Administrator Brooks-LaSure re: Expressing strong support for the policies included in the proposed Notice of Benefit and Payment Parameters for 2023.
acrobatChairman Scott letter to Secretary Becerra, Secretary Walsh and Secretary Yellen re: Urging strong enforcement of the Affordable Care Act’s requirements that ensure consumers have access to the full range of U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved contraceptives without any cost-sharing
acrobatBicameral Letter to HHS Regarding Special Enrollment Period
acrobatDemocrats Urge Trump Administration to Reject Georgia’s Illegal 1332 Waiver Request to Eliminate
acrobatDem Health Leaders Letter on Grandfathered Group Health Plans Rulemaking
acrobatHouse Health Leaders Condemn Final Rule to Erode Anti-Discrimination Protections Under the ACA
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to USDA re: Equitable Services and Feeding Sites
acrobatHouse Health Leaders Oppose Rule to Roll Back ACA Nondiscrimination Protections
acrobatLetter to Administrator Verma Regarding Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to Secretary Azar on Proposed Rule on Religious Liberty
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