Fact Sheets

acrobatProtect Older Job Applicants Act Fact Sheet
acrobatPell Grant Preservation and Expansion Act Fact Sheet
acrobatKeeping All Students Safe Act Section by Section
acrobatKeeping All Students Safe Act Fact Sheet
acrobatProviding Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act Fact Sheet
acrobatProviding Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act Section by Section
acrobatDirect CARE Opportunity Act Fact Sheet
acrobatChild Care for Working Families Act Section by Section
acrobatChild Care for Working Families Act Fact Sheet
acrobatTransformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act Section by Section
acrobatTransformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act Fact Sheet
acrobatFamily Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act Fact Sheet
acrobatFamily Violence Prevention and Services Improvement Act Section by Section
acrobatProtecting Older Workers from Discrimination Act (POWADA) Section by Section
acrobatProtecting Older Workers from Discrimination Act (POWADA) Fact Sheet
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