Fact Sheets

acrobatFederal Firefighters Fairness Act Section By Section
acrobatFederal Firefighters Fairness Act Fact Sheet
acrobatThe America COMPETES Act Fact Sheet
acrobat2021 Year in Review
acrobatBuild Back Better Fact Sheet
acrobatRISE Act Fact Sheet
acrobatRISE Act Section by Section
acrobatBuild Back Better Section by Section
acrobatBuild Back Better Act Child Care Cost Savings by State
acrobatFamily Violence and Prevention Services Improvement Act of 2021: State-by-State Funding
acrobatOpening Doors for Youth Fact Sheet
acrobatOpening Doors for Youth Act Section by Section
acrobatED Watchdog Report on Handling of the Dream Center Collapse Fact Sheet
acrobatEEOC Conciliation Rule Congressional Review Act Resolution of Disapproval (S.J. Res 13) Fact Sheet
acrobatProtect Older Job Applicants Act Section by Section
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