Fact Sheets

acrobatThe Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act Fact Sheet
acrobatH.R. 1180 Comp Time Fact Sheet
acrobatJuvenile Justice Reform Act of 2017 Section-by-Section Summary
acrobatJuvenile Justice Re-authorization Fact Sheet
acrobatHigher Ed Budget Fact Sheet
acrobatOpening Doors for Youth Act of 2017 Section by Section
acrobatOpening Doors for Youth Act of 2017
acrobatEd & Workforce Dems FY18 Budget Blueprint Fact Sheet
acrobatFact Sheet AHPs What the Experts are Saying
acrobatPreserving Employee Wellness Programs Act
acrobatSelf-Insurance Protection Act Fact Sheet
acrobatSmall Business Health Fairness Act Fact Sheet
acrobatFlorida Tax Credit Voucher Program Fact Sheet
acrobatRollback of OSHA Rule Jeopardizes Workplace Safety & Health
acrobatProtecting America's Workers Act Fact Sheet
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