Fact Sheets

acrobatTribal Labor Sovereignty Act Fact Sheet
acrobatProposed Rule to Expand Association Health Plans Fact Sheet
acrobatThe GOP War on Students: Pell Grants under Attack in H.R. 4508
acrobatThe GOP War on Students: Risk-Sharing and How It Impacts Equity
acrobatThe GOP War on Students: Another Partisan Giveaway to Corporate Interests
acrobatThe GOP War on Students: H.R. 4508 Increases Student Debt
acrobatGAO Poultry Worker Fact Sheet
acrobatWAGE Act Fact Sheet
acrobatGAO Diversity In Tech Diversity Fact Sheet
acrobatThe Simple FASFA Act By the Numbers
acrobatThe Simple FASFA Act Fact Sheet
acrobatThe “Save Local Business Act of 2017”
acrobatChild Care for Working Families Act
acrobatDirect CARE Workforce Fact Sheet
acrobatHigher Education Access and Success for Homeless and Foster Youth Act
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