Fact Sheets

acrobatReopen and Rebuild America's Schools Act Fact Sheet
acrobatHeroes Act - Health Fact Sheet
acrobatHeroes Act - Labor Fact Sheet
acrobatHeroes Act - Education Fact Sheet
acrobatEducation Department’s Final Title IX Rule Fact Sheet
acrobatRelaunching America's Workforce Act Section by Section
acrobatCARES Act State-by-State Emergency Education and Child Care Funding
acrobatThe COVID-19 Every Worker Protection Act Fact Sheet
acrobatThe Worker Health Coverage Protection Act Bill Summary
acrobatWorker Health Coverage Protection Act Fact Sheet
acrobatK-12 Resources for Teachers and Students
acrobatCOVID 19 Response Education Fact Sheet
acrobatCOVID 19 Response Labor Fact Sheet
acrobatCOVID 19 Response Health Fact Sheet
acrobatEducation Provisions in Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Fact Sheet
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