Education Oversight Letters

acrobatLetter to Secretary DeVos Regarding Accreditation Changes
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to Secretary DeVos Regarding Correspondence with the Department on States' Obligation to Children with Disabilities in Federal Custody
acrobatChairman Scott Letter To Secretary DeVos Regarding Department Oversight Of For-Profit Financial Responsibility
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to Secretary DeVos Regarding Outstanding Requests for Information
acrobatLetter to Secretary DeVos Regarding ESSA Guidance
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to Dream Center Requesting Documents and Information
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to Secretary DeVos Regarding Invitation to Appear Before Education and Labor Committee
acrobatLetter To Secretary DeVos Regarding the DC Private School Voucher Program
acrobatLetter to Secretary DeVos Regarding Department's Failure to Implement Borrower Defense Rule
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to IES Director Schneider Regarding the Institute's Education Research Priorities
acrobatLetter To Secretary DeVos Regarding Supplement not Supplant Guidance
acrobatLetter To Secretary DeVos Regarding The Attempted Removal of Acting Inspector General Bruce – Follow up
acrobatLetter To Secretary DeVos Regarding The Attempted Removal of Acting Inspector General Bruce
acrobatChairman Scott Letter to Secretary DeVos Regarding Title IX
acrobat7) Chairman Scott Letter To Secretary DeVos Regarding States' Obligations To Children With Disabilities In Federal Custody
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