
Report on the Activities of the Education and the Workforce Committee for the First Quarter of the 112th Congress

Date: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 Time: 10:00 AM


Offered ByDescriptionAction TakenRoll Call  
committee print Mr. Kline Report of the Activites of the Committee - First Quarter, 112 Congress adopted by voice vote .
1 Mr. Andrews adds language that the committee would oppose proposals that add to the retirement savings burden of workers age 54 and younger such as the elimination of Medicare defeated 15-20 No. 1
2 Mr. Hinojosa adds language that the Committee will support maintaining or increasing funding for job creation and training programs under the Workforce Investment Act defeated 15-20 No. 2
en bloc
3 Mrs. McCarthy      adds language that the Committee will not support reducing nutritional standards, access  to Head Start and IDEA, or food assistance to children and mothers defeated 15-20 No. 2
en bloc
motion Mr. Kline report the committee print to the House adopted by voice vote --

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