
Report on the Activities of the Committee on Education and Workforce for the third quarter of the 112th Congress

Date: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 Time: 10:00 AM


Amendment #1 offered by Mr. Miller of California

"Before the end of this Congress, the Committee will consider and report legislation to improve safety and whistleblower protections for miners and increase accountability for dangerous mine operators."

Rejected, 16-22

Amendment #2 from Ms. McCarthy of New York

"The Committee will conduct robust oversight into the handling of reports of child sexual and physical abuse by elementary and secondary schools, and institutions of higher education, and convene the full committee to explore legislative solutions to deficiencies in our nation’s existing child abuse reporting laws before the end of this Congress."

Rejected, 18-19

Amendment #3 from Ms. Davis of California

"Before the end of this Congress, given that over 250,000 educators have been laid off from their jobs over the last three years, the Committee will consider and report legislation to prevent future layoffs of teachers and other school employees and to reemploy those who have been laid off." 

Rejected, 16-22

Amendment #4 from Mr. Bishop of New York

"The Committee will work to strengthen and protect our domestic workforce by discouraging the outsourcing of American jobs to foreign nations."

Rejected, 16-22

Rep. George MIller (D-CA) >>

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