Improving Nutrition for America's Children Act
H.R. 5504 - Improving Nutrition for America's Children Act was ordered reported, as amended, to the House by a vote of 32 to 13
On Wednesday, July 14, and Thursday July 15, the House Education and Labor Committee considered bipartisan legislation to expand access and improve the nutritional quality of meals in schools and child care. The committee examined H.R. 5504, the “Improving Nutrition for America’s Children Act” earlier this month.
The legislation would help set American children on a path of healthy eating and healthy living at a time when approximately 22 percent of the nation’s children lack access to quality food and one in three children are overweight or obese. Today, over 32 million children rely on federal child nutrition programs.
H.R. 5504 would dramatically expand access for millions of children to healthy meals year-round in schools, child care, and community based settings, and for the first time, establish nutrition standards for foods sold outside of the cafeteria.
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- Amendment #1 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Miller (CA)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment #2 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Kildee (MI)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment # 3 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Kline (MN)
Defeated 16 to 30 Roll Call #1 - Amendment #4 to H.R. 5504 by Ms. Chu (CA)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment #5 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Thompson (PA)
Defeated 17 to 28 Roll Call #2 - Amendment #6 to H.R. 5504 by Ms. Shea-Porter (NH) / Mr. Hare (IL)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment #7 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Hunter (CA)
Defeated 15 to 30 Roll Call #3 - Amendment #8 to H.R. 5504 by Mrs. Davis (CA) / Mr. Loebsack (IA)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment #9 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Petri (WI)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment #10 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Sablan (NMI) / Pierluisi (PR) / Hirono (HI)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment #11 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Price (GA)
Ruled not germane
Roll Call #4 on sustaining the ruling of the chair - Amendment #12 to H.R. 5504 by Ms. Woolsey (CA) / Mr. Kucinich (OH)
Passed 28 to 17 Roll Call #5 - Amendment #13 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Wu (OR) / Mrs. McMorris Rodgers (WA)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment #14 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Miller (CA)
Passed 31 to 14 Roll Call #6 - Amendment #15 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Polis (CO)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment #16 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Polis (CO)
Passed 29 to 16 Roll Call #7 - Amendment #17 to H.R. 5504 by Mrs. McCarthy (NY)
Passed 32 to 13 Roll Call #8 - Amendment #18 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Scott (VA)
Withdrawn - Amendment #19 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Courtney CT)
Passed by voice vote - Amendment #20 to H.R. 5504 by Mr. Scott (VA)
Passed by voice vote