Full Committee Hearing

Improving Child Nutrition Programs to Reduce Childhood Obesity

Subcommittee: Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education Subcommittee Date: Thursday, May 14, 2009 Time: 10:00 AM


U.S. Rep. Mike Castle (R-DE)

U.S. Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA)

Michele Paterson, First Lady of New York
New York City & Albany, NY

Susan P. Byrnes, Founder
Susan P. Byrnes Health Education Center
York, PA

Nancy Copperman, Director
Public Health Initiatives Office of Community Health
North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System
Great Neck, NY

Reginald Felton, Federal Relations Director
National School Boards Association
Alexandria, VA

Dr. Virginia A. Stallings, MD, Chair
Institutes of Medicine (IOM) Committee on Nutrition Standards for National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs

Lorrene Davis Ritchie, PhD, RD, Director of Research
Atkins Center for Weight and Health
Berkeley, CA