
H.R. 4508, Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity through Education Reform (PROSPER) Act

Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2017 Time: 10:00 AM Location: Washington D.C. 20515, 2175 Rayburn House Office Building


H.R. 4508 amends the Higher Education Act of 1965. The bill makes college more expensive for low-income students, restricts access to federal student aid for graduate students, allows unregulated for-profit interests to access federal dollars without federal oversight and necessary student and consumer protections, and exempts religious institutions that receive federal funds from complying with federal law, including civil rights law.

Watch the Markup

Read the Press Release 


To learn how this bill hurts students, read the Democratic Summary on H.R. 4508 This bill would increase student debt, attack Pell Grants, impact equity at institutions, provide giveaways to corporate interests, and is a $15 billion raid on student aid. Read what the House Budget CommitteeHouse Committee on Veterans' Affairs, and the Department of Education's Office of Inspector General have to say on the bill.


The committee has received over 100 letters from more than 1,000 groups opposing H.R. 4508. Even the Department of Defense opposes the bill. For a list, click here. 


HEA Reauthorization Amendment Chart


Offered By



Roll Call


Mr. Guthrie



voice vote


Mrs. Davis

to increase the maximum Pell grant award, ensure Pell Grant Program longevity, and make other improvements to benefit low-income students.

   defeated    17-22



Mr. Estes


     adopted      22-17



Mr. Grijalva

inserts the DREAM Act

 ruled non- 
    germane     20-13



Mr. Thompson


    adopted        23-17



Mr. Espaillat

to make DREAMer students eligible for federal student aid

   defeated     17-23



Mr. Garrett

sense of Congress on inclusion




Ms. Fudge

To create disclosure requirements at institutions of higher education for incidents of hazing




Mr. Smucker

substance abuse and prevention


voice vote


Ms.              Shea-Porter

programming to prevent opioid and other drug abuse


voice vote


Mr. Ferguson

early awareness counseling


voice vote


Mr. Takano

to ensure institutional accountability for for-profit institutions by retaining the 90-10 rule, closing the 90-10 loophole, and making other improvements

    defeated    17-23



Mr. Grothman

competency-based education

  adopted     22-17



Mr. Courtney

to reinstate the public service loan forgiveness program for new borrowers

 defeated    19-20



Mr. Grothman

counseling to students receiving Title IV assistance

  adopted     21-19



Ms. Bonamici

to strike the ONE Loan program from the underlying bill and reinstate a simplified and improved Direct Loan program that ensures maximum benefit for the lowest-income borrowers

 defeated    17-23



Mr. Estes

notice difference between loans and grants


voice vote


Mr. Polis

to ensure improved postsecondary education data quality by striking the outdated ban on the student unit record and federal database

  defeated   17-21



Mr. Garrett

sense of Congress on Inclusion


voice vote


Ms. Blunt Rochester

to simplify the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and expand eligibility

  defeated   17-23



Mr. Garrett

speech policy complaint process

  adopted    23-17



Mr. Courtney

to allow students to refinance federal student loans at a low interest rate 

  defeated    18-22



Mr. Allen

additional counseling


voice vote


Ms. Wilson

to strike the repeal of the Teacher Quality Partnership Grant program, TEACH Grant program, and other supports for postsecondary education students who wish to pursue teaching

  defeated  17-23



Mr. Rokita

reduction of full time employees




Mr. Sablan

to provide tuition assistance for community college graduates in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa to empower such students to pursue a four year degree

  defeated  19-21



Mr. Rokita

Department of Education full-time equivalent employees

  adopted   23-17



Ms. Bonamici

to ensure robust campus-based aid for low-income students through striking repeal of the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Program, reauthorizing the Perkins Loan Program, and making improvements to the Federal Work-Study program

  defeated  17-23



Mr. Thompson

Institute of Peace


voice vote


Ms. Adams

to strike underlying changes to Title III and Title V programs, strike repeal of Title VIII, and provide increased support for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, other Minority Serving Institutions, and other under-resourced institutions

   defeated   17-23



Mr. Scott

to create a federal-state partnership to provide access to free community college (America’s College Promise)

    defeated    17-23

20 en bloc


Mrs. Davis

to appropriately title the grant program authorized in Title II of the underlying bill as ‘earn and learn’ and define the term apprenticeship to ensure program quality

    defeated    17-23



Mr. Grothman

Pell Grant Bonus Study

    defeated     20-20



Mr. Norcross

to authorize funds to support completion programs at community colleges

    defeated     17-23

20 en bloc


Mr. Grothman

Pell Study


voice vote


Mr. Espaillat

to authorize funds to expand access to dual enrollment and early college high school programs

   defeated    17-23

20 en bloc


Mr. Norcross

to authorize programs to support improvements to remedial education

   defeated     17-23

20 en bloc


Mr. DeSaulnier

to improve access and services for postsecondary education students with disabilities through use of universal design for learning and other improvements

  defeated   17-23



Mr. Norcross

to authorize increased funding for campus-based child care

  defeated   17-23



Mr. Grothman

institutional Fines



Mr. Scott

to ensure religious institutions receiving federal student aid dollars comply with federal law

   defeated     17-23



Mrs. Davis

to strike language from the underlying bill that would impede efforts      
to combat campus sexual assault

   defeated     17-23



Mrs. Davis

strike repeal of and make improvements to foreign language and international education programs

   defeated     18-22



Mr. Hunter

DHS recruiting on campus


voice vote


Ms. Wilson

to express a sense of Congress that college campuses should be free from racial harassment and hostility

    defeated     17-23



Mr. Hunter

pilot program on encryption of student data



Mr. Krishnamoorthi

to authorize funds to empower foster youth and homeless youth to enroll in and complete postsecondary education programs

    defeated     17-23



Mr. Messer

Federal student loan disclosure form


voice vote


Mr. Krishnamoorthi

to retain the requirement that institutions distribute voter registration information

    defeated    17-23



Mr. Messer

GAO study of moving FSA to Treasury


voice vote


Ms. Bonamici

to delay implementation of H.R. 4508 until the Government Accountability Office (GAO) certifies that such implementation will not harm military recruitment and retention

     defeated     17-23



Mr. Messer

plain language disclosure


voice vote


Mr. Grijalva

Stopping the  garnishment of Social Security benefits to pay student loans

ruled non-germane

  voice   vote


Mr. Grijalva

to authorize funds to support the establishment and improvement of    
veteran student centers on college campuses

   defeated     17-23



Ms. Bonamici

To require GAO to affirm that H.R. 4508 will not have  a negative impact on low income students’ access to college before it is implemented




Ms. Bonamici

to delay implementation of H.R. 4508 until the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the U.S. Department of Education, in consultation with the OIG of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, certifies that such implementation will not lead to fraud and abuse targeting students who are veterans

    defeated    17-23



Ms. Bonamici

to delay implementation of H.R. 4508 until the Government Accountability Office (GAO) certifies that such implementation will not increase student loan debt

     defeated     17-23



Mr. Polis

provides demonstration authority for competency-based education programs


voice vote


Mr. Polis

 to authorize funds for dual enrollment programs

    defeated    17-23

20 en bloc


Mr. Polis

to amend FERPA to to allow for reverse transfer of student data


 voice   vote


Mr. Polis

to authorize funds to expand access to open educational resources

    defeated    17-23

20 en bloc


Mr. Polis

to express a sense of Congress that online education-related content should not be subject to blocking, throttling or paid-prioritization by any internet service provider, and that all internet service providers with on-campus connectivity would be subject to the same restrictions

    defeated     17-23



Mr. Polis

to provide federal funding for the Native American Tuition Waiver program, allowing states and schools to fully meet the federal commitment to support education for American Indian and Alaskan Native students.

    defeated    18-22


Member Statements

  1. Ranking Member Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (Democrat - Virginia)

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