Joint Subcommittee Hearing

How to Save a Life: Successful Models for Protecting Communities from COVID-19

Subcommittee: Civil Rights and Human Services Subcommittee, Health, Employment, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 Time: 10:15 AM Location: via Zoom

Member Statements

  1. Ranking Member Suzanne Bonamici (Democrat - Oregon)
  2. Ranking Member Mark DeSaulnier (Democrat - California)


  1. Dr. Leana Wen
    Professor & Distinguished Fellow Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity
    The George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health
    Washington , D.C.
  2. Dr. Chris Pernell
    Chief Strategic Integration and Health Equity Officer
    University Hospital
    Newark , NJ
  3. Mr. Avik Roy
    The Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity
    Washington , D.C.
  4. Dr. Viviana Martinez-Bianchi
    Director of Health Equity and Associate Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
    Duke University School of Medicine
    Durham , NC