
H.J. Res.116, H.R. 6418, H.R. 3724, H.R. 7683

Date: Thursday, March 21, 2024 Time: 10:15 AM Location: 2175 Rayburn House Office Building


H.J Res. 116, Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of the Labor relating to "Employee or Independent Contractor Classification Under the Fair Labor Standards Act".

Roll Call Number  Amendment Number Offered By Brief Description Tally Vote
Expected to go on voice vote N/A (Introduced bill) MR.KILEY Republican Joint Resolution  
1 N/A KILEY_MOTION to Report Motion to Report the resolution 21-13


H.R. 6418, Empower Charter School Educators to Lead Act

Roll Call Number Amendment Number Offered By  Brief Description Tally Vote      
1 2 MS. STEVENS Prohibits states from using any grants under the section for virtual charter schools. 13-22
2 3 MR. SCOTT Requires that the initial plan completed by a developer include an assessment of segregation in the community in which the proposed charter. 13-22
      School will be located, a stategy for how the proposed charter school will effectively address desegregation in the community, and an assurance that the strategy will be carried out.  
Expected to go on voice vote 1 MS. LETLOW Republican Amendment in the Nature of a Subsuitute  
3 N/A MS. LETLOW_MOTION to Report Motionto Report the bill, as amended 22-13 


H.R. 3724, Accreditation for College Excellence Act of 2023

Roll Call Number Amendment Number Offered By Brief Description Tally Vote
1 2 MS. BONAMICI Requires any institution that seeks an exemption from the core curriclum components required by an accrediting agency to publicly dislcose a discription of the core curricula components that are exempted from the agency's required standards 14-23
Expected to go on voice vote 1 MR. OWENS_ Republican Amendment in the Nature of a Subsitute  
2 N/A MR. OWENS_Motion to Report Motion to Report the bill, as amended 24-14


H.R. 7683, Respecting the First Amendment on Campus Act

Roll Call Number Amendment Number Offered By Brief Description Tally Vote
Expected to go on voice vote 1 MR. WILLIAMS Republican Amendment in the Nature of a Subsitute  
1 N/A MR. WILLIAMS_Motion to Report Motion to Report the bill, as amended 24-14

Member Statements

  1. Ranking Member Robert C. "Bobby" Scott (Democrat - Virginia)