
The Fight for Fairness: Building on the Progress of the Fair Labor Standards Act

Date: Thursday, June 21, 2018 Time: 03:00 PM Location: Cannon House Office Building 421


WASHINGTON – Today, June 21st, to commemorate the anniversary of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), Democratic leadership will hold a forum to discuss the best way to build the progress of the FLSA.

Eighty years after the passage of this landmark legislation, millions of workers in this country still struggle to make ends meet and get ahead. It is time once again for Congress to stand up and fight for American workers. We know what works, and now have an added benefit of knowing where the gaps remain in the law that leave some of our most vulnerable workers behind. 



Ranking Member Bobby Scott (VA-03), Committee on Education and the Workforce

Ranking Member Raúl Grijalva (AZ-03), Committee on Natural Resources

Ranking Member Mark Takano (CA-41), Subcommittee on Workforce Protections

Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Educations Appropriations


Ben Olinsky, Center for American Progress

Sharon Block, Labor and Worklife Program at Harvard Law School

Laura Huizar, National Employment Law Project

Matthew Capece, United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America

Samantha Sanders, Economic Policy Institute

Emily Chatterjee, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights

Bruce Goldstein, Farmworker Justice

Irene Jor, National Domestic Workers Alliance

Joi Chaney, Equal Pay Today!

Reid Maki, National Consumers League

Emily Martin, National Women’s Law Center

WHAT: Panel discussion commemorating the anniversary of the Fair Labor Standards Act and outlining policies to build on its progress