
Bonamici Condemns Attempt that Will Disrupt Implementation of Federal Education Law

WASHINGTON, DC [02/02/17] — Today Congresswoman Suzanne Bonamici (D-OR), the Vice Ranking Member of the Education and the Workforce Committee, issued the following statement after House Republicans announced legislation to nullify regulations supporting the efforts by states to implement provisions of the Every Student Succeeds Act:

“A year ago, Congress passed a significant law that replaced No Child Left Behind and gave states and school districts greater control over the education of their students. I am deeply disappointed that congressional Republicans announced legislation today that will delay and disrupt the implementation of the bipartisan Every Student Succeeds Act. By threatening to eliminate important regulations for implementing the law, the supporters of today’s legislation are creating uncertainty and risking the good work of states around the country to provide locally tailored, equitable education to all their students. I will fight tirelessly to make sure that states have the tools they need to comply with the Every Students Succeed Act and give all students a high-quality education.”

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